March 29: Exodus 34
Discussion Guide: Exodus 33:12-23; Exodus 34:6-7
We are in the Story of All Stories series at Missio. Over the past few weeks we have seen the family of Jacob and Joseph grow in huge numbers in Egypt and become enslaved under Egyptian rule. 400 years God’s people lived in slavery and persecution.
Then in Exodus 2 a boy is born in Egypt named Moses who would become the deliverer of God’s people out of Egypt and into a season of wandering as they searched for God’s land of promise. Exodus 2-12 depict God’s reassertion into the forefront of his people’s lives as he shows up to display his power and wonder in 10 plagues that eventually cause the Pharaoh of Egypt to release God’s people.
As the Hebrew people are leaving Egypt they are pursued by the armies of Egypt and come to a dead end at the Red Sea. At least that was what they would have thought. Only God had promised them freedom and land. God again puts on a display of his power and might by parting the sea and allowing his people to cross, finally free from the pursuits of the Egyptian army.
Last Sunday we saw Moses leading God’s people to Mt. Sinai where God gives Moses the 10 commandments and renews his covenant with the people. A covenant that was formed nearly 650 years earlier between God and Abraham. All the commandments had importance and value, but one in particular stood out to us during this season of uncertainty. The command for Sabbath. As Laura discussed last Sunday, Sabbath was about releasing control to God to allow him to fill us with his presence and to reorient our lives toward him.
This week we looked at how God’s people were preparing to enter into the wilderness. A journey none of them knew the path or time it would take to finally enter in the land God had promised Abraham so long ago. Moses talks with God through a vail of uncertainty. Asking him to go with him and the people, then requests to see God’s glory. To which God responds by declaring his name, the Lord, compassionate, gracious, loving, forgiving, patient, faithful and just. This was God’s way of helping remind his people that when they saw these characteristics in the world it would be a sign of God’smovement and presence with them.
We have a few questions for you to discuss with your spouse, family, friends (via Zoom, Chats,
Facebook, text, etc. Please Stay Home!).
How do we acknowledge the grief that we feel? What are you grieving right now? The loss of life, connection, process, planning, finances? Name the grief you feel right now.
How has God shown up in your story before? Remind yourself of the moments you saw him. How has he shown up in the lives of the people around you?
Where are you seeing God’s character revealed right now? How have you seen grace, compassion, faithfulness, justice, love, patience in yourself, your friends, your community?
How does this season change the way we pray? Can we pray with more boldness for big God moments to occur? How can we pray with more specificity for the needs and concerns of our heart and for those around us?
In case you’ve missed some of the story, these videos recapping the book of Exodus can help you get caught up.