We love good resources that help us think, challenge us, and develop our love for Jesus. Some of our favorite resources are below…
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The Bible Project - We highly recommend checking out the Bible Project. They have a website and a YouTube channel. They make extremely good quality and easy to understand videos and resources for all things Bible related. There is an app called the read scripture app that has a wonderful plan for daily or semi daily reading with explanatory videos built right in. Please do yourself a favor and check them out. Also, they are based out of the Pacific Northwest!
The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson. One of the core tenets Batterson makes in The Circle Maker is to pray big and pray through. Throughout the book he points out how God can handle our biggest prayer. Not only can he handle them, God longs for us pray big prayers that he can answer and show his power and strength. However, often in prayers of any size, but particularly in praying big, we stop short of God’s response. We assume that silence means a “no”answer. When in fact silence could mean we simply haven’t prayed long enough. Praying through involves a persistence commitment to continue praying until you hear a definitive answer.
Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster. Celebration of Discipline will help guide the process to a more holistic approach to intimacy with God. It is worth your time.
My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers. The book has served as a standard bearer of sorts for the countless daily devotional books that have come after it. And like every book ever written, there are parts that are great and others that are less than great. However, the power of My Utmost for His Highest rests in its longevity and ability to speak into the reality of a life spent with God, challenges and victories alike.
The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones (author) and Jago (Illustrator). This is a children’s Bible, yes, but it is an incredible tool for us to use that does a great job of pointing to Jesus throughout the old and new testaments. One way I (Andrew) have used this for myself is to read through a section in the storybook Bible to get a good gist of things and then go back and read the story or stories referenced in my own Bible.
The Story from Zondervan. The Story is an abridged, chronological Bible that reads like a novel. There are no verse references, and Scripture segments are seamlessly woven together with transition text into a single grand narrative. For those intimidated or overwhelmed by the unabridged Bible, The Story helps people understand God’s Word more fully and engage with it more easily.”
Read The Bible In A Year - Here is a link to a good plan for reading through the Bible in 2020.